"We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open." - Jawaharlal Nehru

Sunday, May 29, 2011

"We only part to meet again"

Although I would have NEVER passed up this amazing and adventurous opportunity, I am still in the stage of homesickness, which makes me want to swim across the ocean right now.  I don't know if this stage "passes", or if I will pretty much have to stare at the one tiny photo album of my friends and family everyday that I brought to The Gambia.  This is an ode to my loved ones..

 Christoph, you are my favorite brother in the whole world.  You are my best friend, even though we love to bicker!  Being non-stubborn is boring, so we've both taken that trait of being stubborn as shit to spice up our lives.  You are so handsome and so passionate.  You have taught me alot, and I am so very proud of how far you've come in this life.  I think we still have so much to learn about each other. I love you very much.

Nikki and Michael!
UBBB I miss you both terribly.  You both are crazy, but my best friends none-the-less!  I am so happy you have each other, and that you let me tag along on your dates and stuff.  I miss going crazy with you all in Charleston, going out and "ackin-a-fool".  Michael, I am sorry that when Nikki and I get together, it's like a small dose of crack, but you love us anyways - that means alot...not many people can handle us together haha!  Stay strong, learn from each other, travel wide, explore this beautiful life.  I miss you very much.
Mommy and Dad!

We have such a beautiful family.  Thank you for letting me be me!  Thank you for letting me play outside, explore, build forts in the house, go through a million different phases, and supporting me no matter what I decided to do even if you knew I'd learn a valuable lesson from my mistakes in life.  I had an amazing childhood, and I am a healthy blend of the two you.  I am quirky and adventurous like you, Dad..and Mom, I love the reflective qualities you gave me - there is nothing better than being able to go inward.  I love you both very much.  Please stay healthy and body, mind, and soul.  I will be needing you both around for a long time!

"And think not that you can control the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" (Kahlil Gibran) .  I am so lucky to be in love with my best friend. It's amazing how we crossed paths in such a beautiful land as Colorado.  I could fill an entire book with reasons why I love and appreciate you.  You pretty much filled out the paperwork and shipped me out of the States yourself, with all your help and support you gave for my Peace Corps adventure.  The distance is hard, but the energy we send to each other is beyond the distance that keeps us apart.  We are together in love, and I can't wait to have you in my arms again, exploring this beautiful life.
And where would I be without my favorite exploring buddy, Jaimbo!  I miss backpacking with you, climbing trees, and playing outside.  You see and feel so clearly the connection between our true selves and this amazing Earth.  You have an incredible energy radiating from your soul, which is felt by all of whom you know.  You are my dirty, mountain-hugging HIPPIE.. yeah that's right I called you a hippie!  Tell your parents I think they're dirty hippies too!  Promise me that you will always be the crazy Jaimbo I met in the mountains of North Carolina, when we went rafting with WOAC and SEAC members.  I love you and miss you very much.

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves, (John Muir).  Mountains of Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, West Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky... I miss you more than you could ever imagine.  Your friends in Africa are too far away for me to play with, so I long for the day I can come and see you again.  You are everchanging, but still.  You are huge, yet humble.  I can still feel your energy from across the ocean.  Thank you, and I miss you.
"We only part to meet again" - John Gay

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